Thursday 2 August 2018

Greetings and belated salutations my dear old funbus chums

As one of the coolest person who has lived once said:

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. 

Nelson Mandela

So we are back....back in the funbus groove (not New York alas!) and I bet you are wondering where we have been. Well, in truth, we never left you , it's just that we  haven't been in touch.

So why have we been  been incommunicado you politely enquire?

Alas amigos we cannot reveal our deepest and darkest secret as we are bound by a gagging order issued by the Supreme Court of fake news but in true funbus style we get around that by giving you options.....choose wisely young padwans
  1. Held in detention for promoting a positive and some may say a little subversive philosophy on enjoying one's existence
  2. Took one of my famous short cuts whilst on an adventure 3 years ago
  3. Put into stasis and voyaged to strange new worlds, seeking out new life and alien forms of fellow fun-busers 
  4. Been deep undercover at the behest of HM's Government to save the world from any number of mad despot Presidents and master criminals
  5. Searching for Atlantis
  6. Heading up the Brexit negotiations
  7. Been a tad too busy for our own good
  8. Tidying our sock drawers
  9. Attended a spiritual retreat in Tibet to learn the mystical ways and wisdom from the all knowing Grand Master Miyagi.
The mighty machine that is The Bus continues to defy the laws of Engineering and trundles merrily along. I like to think its a tribute to the Ford Company and the quality of the build but in truth its solely due to the loving ministrations of the mechanical genius that is the mighty Bish

Information of our lost 3 years will be shared as and when permitted by the Courts but in the meantime I leave you with a little thought to ponder on.

Forrest Gump thought life was like a box of chocolates but I beg to differ. Life is more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow

Ciao Bambinos

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