The bus went into hibernation in October in the grounds of the Ball mansion (huge thanks to them). It has stood steadfast and true throughout the cold spell with night temperatures ranging from -2 to -12. Suffice to say, with a little help from both batteries it confidently awoke on the third turn of the key....this has cheered me up immensely and just proves what a damn fine bus it is!
The looming MOT doesn't scare me anymore.
Monday, 27 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Colin breathes again
Avid followers of this auspicious blog will have been aquainted with my 'beloved'...... No, not the Mem Sahib (aka Rita) but my jolly little NSM CITY II - affectionatly known as Colin. What the great Bish forgot to advise with his entry commemorating my 50 Summers (...never thought I'd reach it!) was that Colin was on a life support system! However a damn fine godlike gentleman, whose earthly name is Simon, in good old Twickers worked his miracle and Colin now lives again. Now this is truly a nativity worth celebrating....the rebirth of Colin.
"And so it came to pass that the almighty Simon did hear the wailing and witness the tearing of hair of the lost tribe of Smithington as they mourned the loss of Colin. Six times did Ian implore the almighty Simon to reprieve Colin and on the seventh call Simon heard and he looked upon the book of the funbus and saw the words of wisdom bestowed therein and compassion flooded the Almighty's heart. Through his messenger the angelic BT Gabriel he sumoned Ian to the home of God and the RFU to bear witness to the 3 wise men bearing the gifts of Knowledge, spare parts and genius who attended Colin. And so it came to pass that Colin was reborn amidst a great host and gathering of 45's on December 22nd which from thereon will forever be known throughout the land as 'Colin day'".
Here am I with Colin . It would have been a bit twee to have him playing the Beach Boys instead He's playing Dr Feelgood - Milk and Alchohol.... well what did you expect?
Sunday, 12 December 2010
50 summers young...

Truly a wondrous evening of convivial bonhomie with chums old and new was had at the Bish's half century party. The festivities went on long into the early morning and copious quantities of varied beverages were quaffed and fine victuals consumed with much relish and gusto. I am sure there will be photos at some point but for now here is Bish in all his glory aboard the van and living the dream.
The journey just gets better and better
Monday, 6 December 2010
A blast in Bruge
To celebrate our 50 summers and the Thrush's 59 - we set off with partners and chums to Bruges. Why you ask - why not we say. ...and a damn fine time we had as well. Lots of beer and drink, good food, intelligent conversation, wit and repartee.....all the ingredients you would expect from a bunch of good friends. Bruges is pretty - but very cold. I can recommend the Gluivein and hot dogs to keep the chill at bay but sitting in a bar is even better; there are a lot of bars! Interesting fact - for a country remarkable for being the bureaucratic centre of Europe, they still allow smoking in bars. Anyway fun all round and it was a hoot. ..
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