Tuesday 4 September 2018

The mighty 2017 ride by the mighty Bish

As funbus aficionados, you will be aware of the passion Bish has for velocipedes.
Setting hiomeself the challenge of cycling from London to Paris he set about his training and research in his own inimitable style - ably supported and encouraged by the ever cool Tony 'the man'

Whilst we eagerly await a detailed contribution from the man himself .... here is an overview of the challenge and snapshots of them in action.


Our route takes us from Crystal Palace in southeast London to the Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris. Cycling through stunning countryside and quiet country roads the following gives you a breakdown of the days, routes and distances:

Day 1: London to Calais

Our challenge begins bright and early from Crystal Palace heading south en route to the coast. Our route winds through the beautiful Kent countryside before we reach the famous white cliffs of Dover. From here we catch the ferry to Calais for our first overnight stop
95 miles (approx.)

Day 2: Calais to Abbeville

La belle France! Stunning picturesque countryside awaits us in northern France as we travel south from Calais to Desvre, a small market town known for its ceramics. From here we follow river valleys before finally arriving in Abbeville – steeped in history from the war but despite being destroyed in one night it has managed to retain its beautiful gothic church
75 miles (approx.)

Day 3: Abbeville to Beauvais

Our route this morning follows the river Somme out of Abbeville. The Somme is perhaps most famous for its battles but it is also a Celtic word for ‘tranquility’, summing up the feeling of the day as you cycle through this beautiful region. We finish the day in Beauvais where the market square is a true highlight with several of the buildings dating from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries
70 miles (approx.)

Day 4: Beauvais to Paris

Our final day of cycling and the big push to Paris! We are still treated to some stunning countryside all the way up to our lunch spot by the River Seine. After lunch we follow the river down through the suburbs until we reach the Bois de Boulogne – the largest park in Paris. From here it’s a short ride along the famous wide boulevards of Paris before reaching our finishing point at the Eiffel Tower!
60 miles (approx.)

Day 5: Paris to London on the Eurostar

The day is yours to soak up the Parisian way of life and explore the city and visit the landmarks only yesterday you were cycling by. We will meet you in the afternoon at the Gare du Nord to catch the Eurostar home arriving at St Pancras where you will be reunited with your bike which will have been transported for you overnight

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