Saturday 5 May 2012

of Kylie and Doombar

Greetings, felicitations and glad tidings to all.
After a somewhat lethargic start, 2012 is beginning to pick up the pace and last weekend managed to break into a lazy (but effective) jog.
The mighty bus stirred its classic engineering, meshed its gallant gears and blew out the cobwebs as it trundled out of hibernation and into the dazzling sunlight - actually it spluttered, wheezed and coughed into life on the third turn of the key (oh yes!) in pouring rain on a dark dank day in April. Ministrations by the mechanical genius that is The Bish ensured all was well and I lovingly washed the green mildew from the roof. So now with gleaming livery and a purring engine the FunBus is fit and ready for more adventures.

So what are you asking has this to do with Kylie and Doombar - patience reader...all good things come to those who wait.

A trip to Charmouth is in the offing with the beautiful ones to try out the new awning. A christmas present to the funbus, economically purloined from E Bay. Longer term the awning will be an essential accessory as we enjoy the anticipated delights of the Belgium coast, our spiritual home in the Vendee and Henley as 2012 gets into full swing.

So wanting to ensure that the beautiful ones enjoy a sumptious weekend in the lap of luxury it was felt prudent to check out all was well with the finer workings of the bus (loyal readers will recall the boiler leaking episode on our journey through Europe last year!). So the Bish and I sallied forth to Oxford. Why Oxford?...well, its midway between the realm of Smith and the kingdom of Bishop, its quite nice to visit but most importantly the Bish's male heir will be reading law there come September...(gets his brains from Mrs Bish) so we needed to vet the local hostelries and sample the local wares.

All was good - bus ran well, campsite was flat, spirits were up and laughter shook the rafters. We planned a pub crawl but ended up in All Bar One - a damn fine establishment that we highly recommend. this is where we drank endless and vast quantities of the 'Doombar'. Its a great beer, and no lasting effects in the morning (except nauseous wind!) which is why Messrs Bish and Smithington are happy to endorse this product. Indeed, enquiries are being made as to whether Sharps Brewery would like exclusive sponsorship rights to to the fun bus.

But the highlight of the trip was learning that Kylie will be head lining the last night of proms in the park - desperate to ensure tickets were sourced there were frantic phone calls and website searches and...yes dear reader we are going to see KYLIE...of course its for her street wise progressive and cutting edge music and not her bottom (honest)....

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